Sunday, April 13, 2008

Are Indian parents becoming open to Dating by their sons/ daughters?

It's really amazing how the forces of heterosexualisation which day and night rant about sexual freedom for man and woman, do everything in their hand to deny this freedom to relationships between two men.

But, it is a fact that if you open up the society, men are going to take up to sexual bonds with other men in a big way. But the forces of heterosexualisation don't want that. And since there already exists a traditional public opinion against man-man sexual bonds and it is considered o.k. to rant against and deny freedom to man-man bonds (which in the past, in all fairness, also applied to male-female sex outside of marriage or its public display) the media gets away with it.

So, this article about parents getting accepting about their sons and daughters dating, which seeks to misinforms the public in order to change public opinion, also goes on to instill a fear amongst parents who may be tempted to turn up their nose upon this permisiveness, and that is: If your son or daughter is not dating, he/ she is likely to be 'gay', which means he/ she won't marry...... it is thus trying to play upon the conservative need of Indian parents to get their children married off. They are generating a fear amongst the public: either let your children date or they'd end up 'gay'. This is hypocrisy and oppression at its worst. And carried on by people who swear by the words "freedom" and "women rights".

So, with the power institutions like the media and science, actively involved in changing public mores in this way, who will care about men and their liberty.

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